Following the Ofsted inspection in September 2023, Howbridge C of E Junior School have received a ‘GOOD’ Ofsted outcome. The school has not been rated higher than ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Requires Improvement’ in more than 15 years, making this a huge accomplishment for the entire school community.
The report highlighted that “Adults encourage pupils to work hard and have high aspirations. Pupils feel proud of their work and enjoy their learning.”
The Ofsted inspector also noted that the school’s values are evident amongst staff and pupils, stating, “Howbridge threads the values of friendship, compassion and perseverance through school life.”
The report also highlighted the love of reading within the school, in particular the use of high-quality books to “underpin learning in all subject areas” which “enable pupils to deepen their knowledge of the curriculum.”
The strength of the school’s personal development programme was also noted. Particularly the way it develops pupils’ understanding of diversity as well as financial education. The report praised how the school’s programme “allows pupils from all year groups to take part in enterprise and to develop links with the community.”
Becky More, Trust Executive Lead at the school, commented on the Ofsted report: “This achievement is a testament to the collaborative efforts of our dedicated teaching staff, support staff, governors, Trust, parents, and, most importantly, our children.
“Whilst we want to celebrate the successes outlined in the report, we also recognise the next steps the school need to make to ensure the journey of improvement continues.
“As a school, we remain committed to providing an excellent education for every child at Howbridge.”
Our CEO Emma Wigmore said, “We are so pleased that Howbridge C of E Junior School have achieved this fantastic outcome.
“This school has been rated Requires Improvement since 2017, which means it has been on a long journey of growth and improvement.
“A huge congratulations to the staff and children who clearly demonstrated what a wonderful school and community Howbridge is.”